Instrumentation and controls in a boiler plant encompass anenormous range of equipment from simple industrial plant to the complexin the large utility station.The boiler control system is the means by which the balance ofenergy & mass into and out of the boiler are achieved. Inputs are fuel,combustion air, atomizing air or steam &feed water. Of these, fuel is themajor energy input. Combustion air is the major mass input, outputs aresteam, flue gas, blowdown, radiation & soot blowing.CONTROL LOOPSBoiler control systems contain several variable with interactionoccurring among the control loops for fuel, combustion air, & feedwater .The overall system generally can be treated as a series of basic controlloops connected together. for safety purposes, fuel addition should belimited by the amount of combustion air and it may need minimum limitingfor flame stability.Combustion controlsAmounts of fuel and air must be carefully regulated to keep excessair within close tolerances-especially over the loads. This is critical toefficient boiler operation no matter what the unit size, type of fuel fired orcontrol system used.Feedwater controlIndustrial boilers are subject to wide load variations and requirequick responding control to maintain constant drum level. Multiple elementfeed water control can help faster and more accurate control response.
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